Simply Today

August 13, 2011 § Leave a comment

A bottle of Febreze.

Image via Wikipedia

I went up to a conference this afternoon expecting the day to go as it was planned in my head, after all, why shouldn’t it? I was meeting my friend and her mum there. We had to leave unexpectedly and thought what are we going to do today? Well, the day turned from looking like it was going to be terrible to thanking G-d for how amazingly He worked it out. We got to go to another congregation and dance and participate in some of their Bible study. Because of prior plans that did not come to pass, we had lunch all packed and ready to go. So, we went to the park, ate and took a whole bunch of photographs. I could not have asked for a better day. 

At first we were mumbling and grumbling about how things were turning out, but we did not let what we had planned get in the way of what we were really supposed to do today. I’m glad we didn’t bum about the whole day and simply went ahead and lived and loved it. When life gives you methane, pack air fresheners. 


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