Break the ground for me, I’m not home

October 8, 2011 § Leave a comment

Sanded by Time, Sought in Love

October 4, 2011 § Leave a comment

Soon I will have no more finger prints; they will be sanded away as the grains of my time succumb to gravity

The glass will not be flipped as I check myself in the mirror of words every morning, seeing what will change

Burgeoning, closer in this silence that abounds in music without sound

In desperate pursuit I am not left empty handed for by promise I find that which I seek

Long, loose, blowing in the breath, no tethers to hold me here, ephemeral I become

An Early Morning

September 27, 2011 § Leave a comment

Autumn is my favourite season, even as it moves into winter I still enjoy it. What is it that is so wondrous about this time of year? The coming chill outside that begs for an extra layer, the want of warm beverages, and leaves scuttling across the streets and gutters. Stepping outside, it’s obvious fall has not quite yet arrived. For everything there is a time and I’m pretty sure summer time helps me appreciate fall and winter as fall and winter help me appreciate summer. I’m looking forward to making this pumpkin pie again! Soon it will be blogging in coffee shoppe season again soon, I hope. It’s been busy with all of my projects. 

The projects I’m working on are hands-on projects: basketry, enamel, and sculpture. This makes me miss working in my sketchbook and drawing. One of my favourite parts of the processes these crafts require is  the concept development with sketching. 

It’s now time to head out for this warm day! M~


Perception and Assumption

September 8, 2011 § Leave a comment

I know what it is I drew, although I didn’t at first. I’m curious, viewer, what it is you see. 

Silk Sketches & Vanilla Jasmine

September 5, 2011 § Leave a comment

These two watercolours are sketches for a silk painting I’m working on. I have one other sketch as well that is drying. I’ve used three different colour schemes: Triadic, analogous, and complementary. So far I’m liking the triadic (not shown) and the complementary. I’ve been working on these for almost five hours now, which seems crazy. It only feels like it’s been a couple, but I’m rather tired. 

The three flower looking shapes are not supposed to be flowers. I realised they were losing their intended shape when I looked back at my other sketches so I’m trying to make my other ones look less flower-like. I like the way these are turning out except for one small problem…they’re straying from the original concept for the project. It was incorporating sound into what it looks like. The more I sketch the more it’s turning into something else, so that means before I complete my final painting, I have to get back to the original idea. This is what I have been drinking tonight. It’s jasmine tea sweetened with sucanat with a splash of vanilla almond milk. My friend Jessi from Mmm Chai told me that is how she makes it (she didn’t say anything about almond milk, but that’s all I have.) Coming from a place called Mmm Chai, you’d think she knows what she’s talking about. She does; it’s delicious. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to plain. The colour of the photograph turned out pretty neat, the only editing I did was adding a bit of exposure. I like the way the milk is seeping into the tea. 

My triadic sketch is now ready for more attention, so I bid you farewell! 


My Knees Were Far Too Weak

August 29, 2011 § Leave a comment

I’m not much for pop music, but I happen to like fire and rain even more. I’ve got a project I’m working developing the sketches for and realised that I will be able to use my original concept, but be free to add to it as well. I have a sketchbook entry from February from when I was at the symphony that I wanted to use. I had been associating this concept all with the person I was with and didn’t realise how to balance all the pieces correctly. I’ve figured that out now. I can use different music, not music that reminds me of my friend, but he can still be in the project.

I’m very glad about this. I need to have three sketches, each with a different colour palette and to find those colours I will listen to different types of music as I sketch. That makes things much easier mentally. I had too many songs otherwise that I couldn’t choose from. One of them that I had, I will keep I believe, just because I like it. It reminds me of my friend and holds lovely memories.

Cheerio ~

Photoseries A.)

August 21, 2011 § Leave a comment

And that is…

August 13, 2011 § 1 Comment

This is a plaster casting. What it looks like to you versus what it actually is though, maybe a little more fuzzy. The first comment I got on Facebook was that it looked like someone’s intestines exploded. The next person said it looked like a cell, heart, or octopus. It’s none, but those sure are interesting perspectives. 

I built a frame/support for the clay that I used as the mold. Clay worked better than florist foam and was much easier to get out of the plaster. I’ve had it cast for several months, but I just finished painting yesterday. 

I know it’s summer and all, but do we really need the AC?

August 12, 2011 § Leave a comment

Found the Camera in the Sock Drawer

August 6, 2011 § Leave a comment

This is the painting I was working on last night during the wee hours of the morning. I’m pretty satisfied with the way it worked out. The only thing is I would prefer it to have a more obvious sense of depth. The flash on my camera made some of the colour in the middle fade out a smidge, but it’s fairly close to true colour. Ooh, and the canvas size is a 1′ by 2′, with the thicker 1 3/4 inch frame, which I think is a very nice size.

That’s it for now, but I have 365 photographs I’ve taken this summer and only one has made it’s way here. Soon the others shall be at home as well. Love, ~M

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